STEADY Project, kick-off meeting

STEADY Project, kick-off meeting

On Monday 8th of April took place in the headquarters of the sports cluster INDESCAT in Barcelona the kick-off meeting of the European STEADY (Sport as a Tool for (dis)Able Dispatched Youth) project within the Erasmus+ Sport program.

The goal of the project is to include refugees and asylum seekers youths with a disability into society through sport. The initiative was born after the severe refugee crisis all over Europe in 2015, and that is still going on.

Los participantes de la primera del steady project alrededor de una mesa debatiendo,

Launched by the Hellenic Paralympic Committee and with the Agitos Foundation support, this initiative in which eight entities from seven different countries are involved aims to use sport as a tool of inclusion for these youngsters.

In this first meeting the partners could establish the basis of the project and start working on the tasks and goals looking towards the next meeting that will take place in Austria at the end of this year 2019.

Partners: Hellenic Paralympic Committee, Paralympic Committee of Serbia, Equal Society, AttivaMente, VIDC, Centro Social Soutelo, Agitos Foundation and Play and Train.

Foto de grupo de todos los participantes de las diferentes entidades involucradas en el proyecto.
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