Basic Skills for
Employment Traning

The Project

The project comprises the creation of a platform for training and job orientation for the group of people with disabilities on the island of Fuerteventura under the following criteria:
  1. Given the absolute precariousness of employment of people with disabilities, we set ourselves the objective of improving the socio-labour situation of these people.
  2. Despite the difficulties of public transportation, we find a large group of people with disabilities interested in finding a job.
  3. We encourage cooperation with the business community, which often lacks information on disability and its employment possibilities.
  4. We identify the people with different abilities qualified for specific jobs.
  5. We provide Basic Skills for Employment, transmitting personal and professional, workable and social skills to people with disabilities interested in entering the labour market.


Presentation and dissemination in public entities and the business community. After identifying the group and its needs, a dissemination process starts in different public organizations and companies.

Group workshops:

  • Carrying out practical activities for employment.
  • Visits to companies and job descriptions.
  • Group sessions and workshops to work on transversal and necessary competencies to keep a job.
  • Group itineraries on volunteer days.
  • Work on the improvement of self-concept regarding self-worth in the work environment.
  • Detection of shortcomings and problem-solving in teamwork.

Individual workshops:

  • Information and orientation activities.
  • Training activities in competencies for target people.
  • Educational support activities.
  • Activities of education in interpersonal relationships.
  • Activities of reception, definition and management of the individual work plan.
  • Training activities in cross-cutting skills such as conflict resolution, social skills, emotional conflict resolution, social skills, and emotional management.
  • Activities of accompaniment in the workplace.
  • Internship activities in the company.


For the implementation of this project from a constructivist and entrepreneurial perspective, we have had the collaboration of entities and organizations, such as:

And we continue to create alliances that allow us to move forward and create synergies.

Special Employment Center

The social and labour insertion of our job candidates is our actions’ ultimate goal. The Special Employment Center, created with the support of the Cabildo of Fuerteventura, is the creation of the ideal tool to achieve it. This Special Employment Center (C.E.E.) has differentiating characteristics:
  • Social initiative: a Social Initiative EWC, “promoted and participated in more than 50%, directly or indirectly”, by a non-profit entity.
  • We believe in sports as a tool for social inclusion, using play, fun and effort. Through employment, we will continue to include and train our young people to collaborate and work with our Play and Train entity, promoting healthy lifestyle habits and offering them a socio-labour response adjusted to their needs through inclusive sports.
  • Our program is designed to train individually and constantly the person with a disability during the hiring process through individual training sessions, group workshops and simple accompaniment in the workplace.
  • Model of Intervention and Accompaniment in job placement and recruitment of people with functional diversity.
  • We are committed to developing and promoting different professional profiles adapted to the tasks, skills and schedules according to each person’s capabilities, needs and social situation.
  • The program has a continuous Competence, psychological and attitudinal evaluation from the beginning of the training and during the hiring process, carried out by specialized personnel, with a systematic methodology and assessments through interviews with the agents involved, direct observation in practical cases, continuous assessment of the tasks and functions of each person, standardized test batteries and personality tests.